Director – Guy Richie; who has also directed Snatch (2000), Rock and Rolla (2008), Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
Main Actors - Robert Downey Jr, Jude Law, Rachel McAdams, Mark Strong
Release date – 26 December 2009
Studio – Brompton Cemetery, Fulham Road, West Brompton, London, England, UK Box office figures – In the first weekend it made $62,304,277, showing in 3626 screens.
Films out at the same time – Twilight New Moon, Avatar, A Christmas Carol, 2012
Sherlock Holmes is an action and adventure, which is are not film genres I would normally watch, however I really thoroughly enjoyed it. I enjoyed because although it was a serious film about crime, it has comedy elements which made some parts funny to watch. The mise-en-scene in the film was typically old time Britain. Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law are both very good actors which defiantly contributed to the film being a big hit with many age groups.
In the film they used many different camera angles and editing styles. For example, they would use dark close ups on the villain (Blackwood) and in fighting/fast paced scenes they would switch to different camera angles quickly to show the speed and intensity of the fight and would also help the audience feel the tension in the scene. They used props in Sherlock Holmes’ room to make it look messy and unorganised which represents his personality. They used the costumes of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson to show they are professionals and higher class.
I think this film is appropriate for all ages, although it does not contain nudity or bad language it does contain violence so may not be appropriate for young children. I think even people they do not generally enjoy this genre of film will enjoy it because elements of other genres come into this film at some point, for example comedy and romance.
The end of the film was left open if another film was to be made. However the problems in this film were all solved so there is no unfinished business that would mean another film is defiantly going to be made. If a sequel to the film was made I would certainly watch it.
My favourite parts in the film was when Holmes was working out what had happened because I found it fascinating, I also enjoyed the fighting scenes because they had a high level of tension. Another scene that had a very high level of tension was when Irene was on chained to the pig cutter, because it completely drew me into the film, I was scared for them and was tense until she was free, it also made me feel proud of Holmes and Watson.